A Tussar block print saree is a type of traditional Indian saree made from tussar silk fabric and adorned with block-printed designs. These sarees are highly prized for their combination of luxurious fabric and intricate patterns achieved through the block printing technique.

Tussar silk sarees are known for their natural gold color and rich texture, which provides a beautiful backdrop for the block-printed designs. The block prints on these sarees can feature a wide range of motifs, including floral patterns, geometric shapes, paisleys, and traditional Indian motifs.

These sarees are often handcrafted by skilled artisans who meticulously carve the designs onto wooden blocks and then stamp them onto the fabric. The result is a saree that exudes elegance, sophistication, and cultural heritage.

Tussar block print sarees are popular choices for various occasions, including weddings, festivals, and formal events. They are cherished by women for their timeless beauty and the artisanal craftsmanship involved in their creation.